Articles by ks77

Former Members

Dr. Amrita Charkraborty

Dr. Amrita Charkraborty Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, Rice University (2021-2023) Ph.D. in Chemistry Indian Institute of Technology Madras (2021) Research Interests Publications A. Al-Zubeidi, B….

Current Members

Dr. Christpher Kuhs

Dr. Christpher Kuhs Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, Rice University (2020-current) Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Colorado State University (2019) Research Interests Ultrafast Spectroscopy and microscopy Publications

Current Members

Dr. Wei-Yi Chiang

Dr. Wei-Yi Chiang Ph.D. in Chemistry,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven & National Chiao Tung University (2019) Publications A. Al-Zubeidi, B. Ostovar, C. C. Carlin, B. C. Li,…

Current Members

Dr. Stephen Lee

Dr. Stephen Lee Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, Rice University (2019-current) Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, University of Michigan (2019) M.S. in Analytical Chemistry, University of Michigan…

Current Members

Dr. Lawrence (Joey) Tauzin

Dr. Lawrence (Joey) Tauzin Research Scientist, Rice University (2018-current) Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, Rice University (2016-2018) Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Rice University (2016) Research Interests…

Current Members

Dr. Stephan Link

Dr. Stephan Link Biography: Stephan Link is a professor of Chemistry and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University in Houston. He received his Ph.D….

Current Members

Katsuya Shiratori

Katsuya Shiratori Graduate student in Applied Physics, Rice University (2019-current) M.S. in Applied Physics, Rice University (2022) B.S. in Physics, Ritsumeikan University, Japan (2019) Research…

Former Members

Dr. Behnaz Ostovar

Dr. Behnaz Ostovar Ph.D. in Electrical & Computational Engineering, Rice University (2022) Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran (2016) Dissertation Plasmon-Mediated Carrier Dynamics…

Former Members

Dr. Lauren Warning

Dr. Lauren Warning Ph.D. in Chemistry, Rice University (2021) B.S. , Muhlenberg College (2016) Dissertation Single-Molecule and Ensemble Measurements Inform on the Role of Protein…

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