Scott Nauert
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics Tecnologico de Monterrey Tel: (713) 348-2376 Office: Space Science 017 Email: sd20 rice edu
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics Tecnologico de Monterrey Tel: (713) 348-2376 Office: Space Science 017 Email: sd20 rice edu
Ph.D. student in Applied Physics Osaka University, Japan Exchanged to the Link group in 2011 via the NanoJapan program
Chemistry Student University of Mainz, Germany Exchanged to the Link group from 2012 to 2013
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (2015) Tel: (713) 348-2376 Office: Space Science 017 Email: Research Keywords: Energy dissipation of…
Bachelor of Science in Physics Peking University (2015) Tel: (713) 348-2376 Office: Space Science 017 Email: yz83[at]rice[dot]edu Research topic: Photothermal reshaping of gold nanorods
Sishan Chen B.S. in Chemistry, The University of Texas at Dallas (2014) Research Interests Gold Nanoparticles and Protein Binding Publications S. Indrasekara, B. Shuang, F….
Taylor Hernandez B.S. in Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin (2015) Research Interests Circular Dichroism in Nanostructures Publications Q. Zhang, T. Hernandez, K. W….
Dr. Ying Fang Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology B.S., Peking University, China Publications S. P. Hastings, Z. Qian, P….